Theology and apologetics for those who want to get their hands dirty

What we're about

Street Theologian aims to equip Christians around the globe, in a time-efficient, accessible and convenient manner, on how to grapple with difficult issues while seeking to honour and draw closer to Christ in their lives and to provide non-believers, broad and varied exposure to and a case for the beautiful, life-changing truth of Jesus as divine, risen Lord and Saviour.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building

About Street Theologian

Having spent years searching and as an anti-Christian sceptic, I hope to share the love of Christ with people in a manner that engages both the heart and the mind.

I have been writing blog posts regularly since 2020, have a network of scholarly contacts and would love for you to join the journey with me.

Our vision

We want to see Christians better equipped to handle tough questions in a time-effective manner and gain greater exposure to Christian apologetics.

We want to provide a voice at the popular level for the plausibility of Christianity to both believers and non-believers alike.

We want to proclaim and defend the truth of Jesus as God and Saviour in the war against the heart and the mind.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting